Friday, August 16, 2013

[WWE SummerSlam 2013 Prediction] John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan

John Cena (WWE Champion) vs. Daniel Bryan (WWE Championship Match, special guest referee HHH)

                Once again, common sense and good wrestling have been thrown out the window in favor of the McMahon Family wanting to have some drama that may never even play out into anything bigger. 

                Weren’t the exchanges between Cena and Bryan enough to make this feud?  You have two guys on the opposite ends of the ring, one the stereotypical looking WWE cookie cutter champion guy who has five moves and the other the independent wrestling scene/IWC hero who may not be built like Hulk Hogan but boy can he go.

                I truly feel that if the McMahons are involved in this, it is for a higher reason and so I fully expect a swerve coming here.

                HHH appointed himself the special guest referee seemingly against Vince McMahon’s orders as McMahon wanted Brad Maddox to be referee.    So it seems too obvious for HHH to turn, as if it was the plan all along to have Vince, Stephanie and HHH all on the same page, right?  

                Then again, this whole “You’re not good enough to be Champion” thing probably should’ve happened after D-Bry won the title.

                So let’s say Daniel Bryan somehow has John Cena pinned or tapping out, HHH looks the other way, eventually rules in favor of John Cena and then Cena doesn’t like it (Because Cena won't become Vince's pet, at least not on screen-- too heelish).    Will this lead to HHH ultimately fighting Daniel Bryan?   Well, Bryan is on the CM Punk path to the title and it just doesn’t come this easily this time.

                And the lingering question:  Does Randy Orton cash in his MITB briefcase tonight?   Predictions of Daniel Bryan winning the title only to be bested by Randy Orton, who then becomes the Corporate Cyborg, make for an interesting story but I kind of like my idea better.   Plus, Daniel Bryan should hold the WWE Title for longer than Dolph Ziggler held the WHC.  

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